Feng Shui Technology.com
Improving Lives With
Classical Feng Shui Since 1997
Rochel Parker

4 Pillars of Destiny
Classical Feng Shui
Why Classical Feng Shui?
Classical Feng Shui deals with invisible energy patterns that have a definite impact on our health, wealth, relationships, overall well-being, productivity and mental clarity.
Classical Feng Shui is very different from "Western," Black Hat or BTB Feng Shui. It does not require, one to speak affirmations or place objects such as three legged frogs or Chinese coins on a string in specific locations, or other nonsense. Classical Feng Shui is based in physics, cause and affect, pure and simple. And therefore, how the physics of our environments impact every aspect of our lives.
Long before high tech equipment, in fact thousands of years ago, Ancient Chinese scholars who began the practice of Feng Shui dealt

with the workings of the Universe. Using this knowledge they recognized certain patterns in nature and developed methods to trace their influence on humans. They had not identified atoms, but they did understand the energy they create. These ancient scientists through observation of cause and effect identified formulae that predicted the impact of certain invisible patterns in an environment on humans. Formulae that were verified to change the outcome when implemented.
These Classical Feng Shui Masters documented these formulae and handed them down generation to generation to worthy students who would carry on the study. This has led us to modern day Classical Feng Shui. Even though it has evolved to include modern day lifestyles the basis of their formulae, as with any law of nature, is much the same as it was 6,000 years ago.
In the early days of Classical Feng Shui there was no compass. It was invented years later. Therefore, land formations and how energy traveled along them was the initial focus. Although compass directions and planetary influences have been added to the practice of Classical Feng Shui land form is still the priority today. Identifying how energy flows along and through landscapes is paramount to the practice of Classical Feng Shui.
Mountains, large buildings, rivers, streams, roads, parking lots and landscape have a definite impact on the energy that enters our homes, apartments, offices, retail space and schools.
When the compass was invented, the influence compass directions had on humans became a vital part of Classical Feng Shui. The understanding of Compass directions took the practice of Classical Feng Shui to a new level.
The compass became an essential tool in the practice of Classical Feng Shui. The Ancient Scholars created Lo Pans, compasses with Classical Feng Shui formulae written on them in concentric circles around the actual compass identifying energy patterns for each of the 360 degrees.
The direction of certain elements in the landscape play an additional role in the influence of invisible energy patterns. A mountain in a specific compass direction may have a detrimental influence for a building, home or office that faces a particular direction, preventing beneficial energy from reaching the building.
Understanding the foundation of how this technology works can be challenging. Many individuals have attempted to make it easy, misleading the public with books that lead consumers to believe Feng Shui is a do-it-yourself practice.
However, like any highly technical practice it is best to hire the professional.
Email Rochel@fengshuitechnology.com
Call Rochel at (404) 213-0839 today!