Feng Shui Technology.com
Improving Lives With
Classical Feng Shui Since 1997
Rochel Parker

4 Pillars of Destiny
What Clients Are Saying
Savings has increased
We are kicking ... and taking names. Made more money in the last month than in the last four
months combined. Also finally having savings in the bank. Thank you!
M. B entrepreneur
Peachtree city, GA
Making a house a home
Being comfortable in your home is Priceless! I cannot than you enough for your help
and guidance.
J. R.
Atlanta, GA
My life started clicking.
I was building a new house and wanted to have a Feng Shui expert align the house's place-
ment on the property as well as any blueprint corrections, if needed, to compliment my energy.
I had been in a rut for a long time with my career, socially and financially. Rochel came to the
She has changed my live in so many areas. Rochel calculated the best location for the house,
flipped the plan I had chosen without changing the square footage, rearranged the kitchen a
little, and Wa La.
My life started clicking. I started a new business I love, money flows in more
effortlessly, and guys are coming out of the woodwork, when I hadn't had a decent date in
about 2 years. I'm not having to beat them off with a stick yet, but hey, it's almost like the good
ole days when I was hotter than a 2-dollar pistol. LOL. She's the BEST, and I recommend
Rochel every chance I get without hesitation.
Dr. Sewell
Elberton, GA
Why not enhance the natural advantages my house offers me?
Rochel helped me confirm plans to make changes in my home (to my kitchen, den, bedrooms, etc.). And outside my home, too. Rochel presents Feng Shui with a scientific basis. This made sense to me. I knew that the directions on a compass were important to my father when he built or chose a home to live in. I knew that my grandfather bought his farm and farmed according to the direction of the sun and the lay of the land.
Why not enhance the natural advantages my house offers me? Why not find out what is not a natural fit for me in my house and lot? It is just common sense. Rochel has lots of common sense in her approach. I'm so glad I consulted with her.
N. Wood
Chamblee, GA
I recommend Rochel to anyone needing a Feng Shui expert for their home or business
This is a testimony of the excellent service I received from Rochel. Rochel did a extremely competent Feng Shui consultation in all aspects of my house. It was a very detail job and done very courteous. As a businessman and owner of a recent remodeled house, I recommend Rochel to anyone needing a Feng Shui expert for their home or business.
Mark K
Cumming, GA
It was not long after a majority of the changes were made that I actually noticed our "moods" were actually happier and more content than before.
January a year ago, I had Rochel come for an evaluation of my home because I was finally willing to make whatever changes that may be required of me. It was fascinating watching her do the mathematical and compass calculations on our home. By segmenting our floor plan like a pie, she calculated for each segment the level of negative or positive chi related both to my husband and to me. I learned many things about how our energy supports us...or not...in this house. One of the biggest "ah-ha's" was that our master bed was in a very energetically negative spot while our guest's bed was actually in one of our most energetically positive places. That very night we began sleeping in the guest bedroom and have slept there ever since! We both found the space more restful and became aware of the deeper sleep we were getting. My husband now rarely has periods of insomnia, whereas before the insomnia had become almost chronic.
Another big surprise was to learn that becuase of the inset construction of our back left corner where an exterior courtyard is, that we were therefore "missing" our wealth corner. Which meant that the missing corner needed to be established in order to keep chi which supports wealth from "leaking" from our home. I followed Rochel's recommendation right away for "anchoring" that corner. One year later my husband was reviewing the December 31st statements of his investment accounts. He commented on how well the account did and that he had not dreamed he would have that level of appreciation in this year. (I had to remind of our new wealth "anchor")
Rochel gave me quite a list of household to-do's to improve the energetic support of our home which included such things as changing the color of the front door, to de-cluttering, moving mirrors, adding live plants, using essential oils and opening our front door more. It was not long after a majority of the changes were made that I actually noticed our "moods" were actually happier and more content than before.
When all the changes are complete, I will definitely consult with Rochel for the next level of energetic support to keep us happy and healthy.
With gratitude,
C. G. W.
Rochel’s recommendations were not huge construction conversions but small and doable things which made a BIG difference.
We hired Rochel not long after buying a house using information we garnered from a book on Feng Shui. She explained that not only did we choose a door in the wrong direction but that we got several other things wrong as well. Rochel patiently set about analyzing the house using information determined by our birth dates and compass directions. She explained to us what changes we needed to make to realign the energy of our house to better serve us. Rochel’s recommendations were not huge construction conversions but small and doable things which made a BIG difference.
Our lives have changed dramatically for the better. Soon after Rochel’s visit we started a small business that has become successful beyond our expectations and life is very good. She is knowledgeable about Feng Shui, but just as important is her compassion and sincerity for her client’s needs and circumstances. I would and do highly recommend Rochel to everyone who is considering a Feng Shui Consultant.
Frances C.
Mableton, GA
I hired Rochel to review my new office building for Feng Shui. I followed her recommendations and my business increased by $60,000 per month.
Beth C.
Things just started to get better, noticeably better.
My wife hired Rochel, so I was a reluctant participant. But I figured, what the heck, we were paying her so I would go along with her suggestions and see what happened. Without going into too much detail, things just started to get better, noticeably better. Rochel’s empathy for our situation and enthusiasm for her work motivated us to follow her list of suggestions.
Darren L.
I would recommend her to anyone looking to benefit from the practice of Feng Shui.
Rochel’s Feng Shui expertise helped take my business to a new level. I now have a new shop in a different location, and am requesting her expert assistance in my new location. I would recommend her to anyone looking to benefit from the practice of Feng Shui.
Libbey Ocana
Native Jewels SW
Santa Fe, NM
Following her recommendations you will be able to almost instantly feel the energy patterns in your environment shift.
I have many books on Feng Shui and I’ve worked with several other Feng Shui consultants. But, Rochel has an instinctive knowing and ability of reading the energies of a room, a home, an office or even a larger area such as a neighborhood. Working with Rochel was not only a pleasure, but it was educational as well.
It is without exception that I would recommend Rochel for any consultation no matter how large or small. Following her recommendations you will be able to almost instantly feel the energy patterns in your environment shift, making a positive influence and creating a beneficially supportive environment.
If you want to make a positive change, call a true expert and follow her advice. Let your environment support you for a change.
A J Ross
Birmingham, AL
Email or call Rochel to schedule an appointment.
Email Rochel@fengshuitechnology.com
Call Rochel at
(404) 213-0839