Feng Shui Technology.com
Improving Lives With
Classical Feng Shui Since 1997
Rochel Parker

4 Pillars of Destiny
Frequently Asked Quetions

If you have questions that are not answered here please do not hesitate to contact Rochel directly.
Do I have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work?
How is a Classical Feng Shui reading done?
Is Classical Feng Shui a Religion?
Is Classical Feng Shui only Applicable to houses?
What is the difference between Western Feng Shui and Classical Feng Shui?
Can a Classical Feng Shui consultation be performed discreetly?
How long does a consultation take?
Why do I need to supply my date of birth for a consultation?
Will I have to place Chinese items in my home, office or business?
Are recommendations expensive?
What if I have questions after my consultation?
How long will it take to see results?
Will my consultation be kept confidential?
Does Rochel lecture on Classical Feng Shui for any size group?
Does Rochel teach classes on Classical Feng Shui?
How do I contact Rochel to schedule a class or consultation?
Can Feng Shui or a Feng Shui Practitioner provide guarantees?
Do I have to believe in Classical Feng Shui for it to work?
No. Classical Feng Shui is based on physics, cause and effect. If you implement the recommendations as stated, create a cause, an effect will occur. There is no need for anyone to believe.
Why Feng Shui?
Your surroundings exert a huge influence on your life. They affect your personal health, happiness and wealth and have a direct bearing on the opportunities that come to you. If Feng Shui is practiced correctly it can be life changing. The proper application of Feng Shui principles creates
an environment with improved energy flow to support you and your goals. This can lead to an overall sense of well-being, better health, improved relationships and social life and increases in professional success.
How is a Classical Feng Shui reading done?
A Classical Feng Shui consultant using a Lo Pan (Compass) determines the energetic characteristics of a building and its resultant effects on the buildings occupants. The consultant will also analyze the surrounding environment, including buildings, landforms, water features, high power tension lines and more. Then calculations are done according to the basic principles and recommendations are made as necessary.
Is Feng Shui only applicable to houses?
No. Classical Feng Shui can be used to analyze the energy of any space, room, building or landscape. Many businesses, large and small benefit from the use of Feng Shui.
changing. The proper application of Feng Shui principles creates
Is Classical Feng Shui related to Buddhism or Taoism?
No. Classical Feng Shui is not related to any religion or belief system. It is a physics based technology that defines the impact of invisible energy patterns on humans.
What is the difference between Western Feng Shui , Black Hat and Classical Feng Shui?
Classical Feng Shui has been in continuous practice for at least 5,000 years with a proven track record. It is based on cause and effect. You do not have to believe in it for it to work. There are no chants, affirmations or intent involved. You just do and forget it. Let the laws of physics go to work. Although most books available in English are based on Western Feng Shui it produces less than consistent results. It has been around for about 25 years and is based on intent. It is often referred to as “Folk Lore” Feng Shui. As with most Folk Lore there is some basis of fact in it, however, it is predominately just Folk Lore. The strong emphasis on placement of nick-knacks, chanting, intent and belief create an outcome that is based more on the efforts of the client than the principles of Feng Shui.
Is Classical Feng Shui related to Buddhism or Taoism?
No. Classical Feng Shui is not related to any religion or belief system. It is a physics based technology that defines the impact of invisible energy patterns on humans.
Can a Classical Feng Shui consultation be performed discreetly?
Yes. Because many use the principles of Classical Feng Shui to provide a competitive edge, as Donald Trump has said he does, we understand the need for discretion and privacy.
How long does a consultation take?
Every client is unique, and no two consultations are the same. The time needed is based on what the client's goals and needs are, how large the space is and what needs to be accomplished. Residential appointments generally take anywhere from an hour to four hours depending on what needs to be done. Commercial and landscape appointments vary greatly. Contact Rochel regarding your specific needs.
Why do I need to supply my date of birth for a Feng Shui consultation?
Only Classical Feng Shui Consultants require the date of birth of all permanent occupants of a residence or managers of a business because they deal with compass directions and related energy patterns. How we relate to an environment is determined by the year we were born and our sex. The poles of the Earth shift a few degrees every year causing small energy changes to transpire, thus creating a unique energy pattern each year. When we are born, the instant we leave our mother’s womb we are exposed to the Earth’s energy for that year and our bodies adapt to it immediately. It sets the physiological tone for the remainder of our lives. Our bodies are tuned to the frequencies of that year. The fact that males and females are slightly different chemically generally causes us to respond differently to the Earth’s energy. Knowing the sex and birth date provide information on which compass directions will support an individual and which will not. This information is crucial to an accurate consultation.
Will I have to place Chinese items in my home, office or business?
No. Classical Feng Shui is based in physics not Folk Lore. There is no need to emulate any culture to achieve results.
Are recommendations expensive?
All recommendations are made with consideration to requirements and budget of the client. Generally expensive adjustments are not required.
Will I have to decorate my home, office or business with items or colors that do not reflect my taste?
No. Classical Feng Shui is based in physics, not psychology.
What if I have questions after my consultation?
You may call or email Rochel any time after the consultation with any questions or concerns regarding the consultation.
How long will it take to see results?
Some clients experience changes quickly, others take longer. Historically clients who implement recommendations as specified immediately realize results quicker. It is important to remember that Classical Feng Shui is a technology, not an exact science. It is also not a Silver Bullet for all that ails you.
Can Feng Shui or a Feng Shui Practitioner provide guarantees?
No. Feng Shui does not provide guarantees. A Feng Shui practitioner provides you with the best energy flow to support the goals you are attempting to achieve.
Will my consultation be kept confidential?
Yes. Not only is the information we share kept in strictest confidence, the fact that you hired a Classical Feng Shui consultant is also kept secret.
Does Rochel lecture on Classical Feng Shui for any size group?
Yes. Rochel tailors her lectures to the group she is speaking to and can accommodate any size group.
Does Rochel teach classes on Classical Feng Shui?
Yes. Rochel teaches various classes on Classical Feng Shui. She teaches introductory classes at colleges and universities, advanced classes for students who want more information and Continuing Education to Realtors® in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee.
How do I contact Rochel to schedule a class or consultation?
Rochel can be reached by phone 404-589-0308 or email rochel@fengshuitechnology.com
Classical Feng Shui has been in continuous practice for at least 5,000 years with a proven track record. It is based on cause and effect. You do not have to believe in it for it to work. There are no chants, affirmations or intent involved. You just do and forget it. Let the laws of physics go to work. Although most books available in English are based on Western Feng Shui it produces less than consistent results. It has been around for about 25 years and is based on intent. It is often referred to as “Folk Lore” Feng Shui. As with most Folk Lore there is some basis of fact in it, however, it is predominately just Folk Lore. The strong emphasis on placement of nick-knacks, chanting, intent and belief create an outcome that is based more on the efforts of the client than the principles of Feng Shui.
Email Rochel@fengshuitechnology.com
Call Rochel at (404) 213-0839 today!
Atlanta, GA