Feng Shui Technology.com
Improving Lives With
Classical Feng Shui Since 1997
Rochel Parker

4 Pillars of Destiny
Courses & Lectures
I offer a variety of classes & lectures to meet the growing demand for information on Feng Shui. Teach Introductory Courses for Individuals who desire more information than available in books, certification courses for those seeking an advanced knowledge of the technology’s intricacies, Continuing Education courses for Real Estate professionals who want to better understand the needs of their Feng Shui savvy clients, courses of professional interest for architects, builders, interior designers, Real Estate professionals and others who want to understand why this technology should be included in their work. I also offer lectures tailored to any audience.
Feng Shui Introduction Three (3) hours Next class
This class is designed for the novice who wants to know more about this fascinating subject. It provides an introduction to Feng Shui, the history of Feng Shui, effectiveness of the three main schools practiced in the United States, the Western Ba Gua (Eight Life Stations) and tips on what you can do at home and more. Classes are kept small. I am always available during the breaks and after class to answer personal questions based on information provided.
After this course, you will be able to:
Determine where the Eight Life Stations are located, (Wealth, Fame/Reputation, Relationships
Creativity/Problems Solving, Helpful People/Mentors, Career, Knowledge and Health) in any home or office.
Determine what group of compass directions, (East, Southeast, North etc…) support you and your family and those that do not.
Discern the difference between compass direction and compass sector
Determine the facing direction of any building, home, office, or apartment
Identify common features in a home or office that are undesirable and generic remedies to address them.
Identify common features in the landscape that are undesirable and generic remedies to address them.
Determine the best location for your bedroom, bed and desk.
What will be covered:
A brief history of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui Vocabulary.
The Three Main Schools of Feng Shui practiced in the United States and their effectiveness.
How Feng Shui works.
Importance of Yin and Yang and how to identify them.
How to use the Western BaGua grid (Eight Life Station grid).
How your bedroom layout may be affecting you.
Why compass directions are important.
Importance of Front Door.
An Expert on Classical Feng Shui, I offer a variety of lectures on Feng Shui. I can tailor my lecture to any audience as Classical Feng Shui applies to everyone. I am available for "Lunch & Learns" corporate meetings, breakfasts, group and organization functions.
One Hour Lecture, Perfect for Lunch & Learns
What is Feng Shui and Does It Work?
This lecture is the perfect introduction to Feng Shui. There is so much hoopla about Feng Shui these days. Is it fact or fiction? This one hour lecture takes a pragmatic approach to this fascinating subject.
What will be covered:
A brief history of Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui?
How Feng Shui works.
The three main schools practiced in the United States.
The effectiveness of each school.
Questions and answers.
What will be covered:
What is Chinese Astrology
The difference between Chinese Astrology and Western Astrology
Why are there 4 Pillars?
What is their significance?
How Chinese Astology determine your Destiny
Characteristics of animals and other characters in a 4 Pillars of Destiny chart
Real Estate classes
Location, Location, Feng Shui may be the Mantra of future home sellers and buyers. Be prepared for the increase in demand for Feng Shui savvy Real Estate professionals. These courses and lectures were developed for Realtors® and other Real Estate professionals who wish to know more about Feng Shui and its relationship with Real Estate. All are industry specific and are designed to support anyone in the field of Real Estate who works with Feng Shui savvy clients.
Feng Shui and Real Estate Three (3) hours
Classical Feng Shui considers many features of a home, office or building. Features including floor plans, room size, the building's shape, construction features and location of stairs, windows and doors have a considerable impact the energy of the space in question. This fundamental class introduces Real Estate professionals, architects, builders, interior designers and others, to the philosophy, key concepts, and benefits Classical Feng Shui provides. This course deals with the structure only. The importance of land formations and landscaping are offered in other courses.
After this course, you will be able to:
Discuss the history of Feng Shui.
Discuss the Three Main Schools of Feng Shui practiced in the United States and their effectiveness.
Discuss how Feng Shui works.
Incorporate some basic Feng Shui principles into the design or décor of a home, office or retail space.
Converse confidently with Feng Shui savvy clients using Feng Shui terminology.
Discuss key concepts with clients who wish to use the principles of Feng Shui in design or décor of their home, office or retail space.
Identify common misconceptions of how Feng Shui relates to building design and décor.
Discuss the importance of compass directions.
What will be covered:
A brief history of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui terminology, specific vocabulary associated with Feng Shui.
The Three Main Schools of Feng Shui practiced in the United States and their effectiveness.
How Feng Shui works.
Why your clients want Feng Shui principles incorporated into their Real Estate.
How to use basic Feng Shui principles in the design of a home, office or retail space.
How to use basic Feng Shui principles for the décor of a home, office or retail space.
Key concepts Feng Shui savvy clients will require in the design and decor of their home, office or retail space.
Practical and inexpensive solutions to correct some common features in a home or office that are considered undesirable based on Feng Shui principles.
Common misconceptions of how Feng Shui relates to building design and décor.
Importance of compass directions.
Feng Shui Introduction for Realtors® One (1) hour
What does Feng Shui have to do with Real Estate?
Everything. The practice of Feng Shui deals only with Real Estate, NOT religion or the New Age. The
study of Feng Shui has always been about how Real Estate influences humans for thousands of years. The Mantra
Realtors® have been using for decades: Location, Location, Location, may soon include land form, Floor Plans, and Compass directions.
What will be covered:
What is Feng Shui?
Is Feng Shui fad or Phenomena?
Who is using Feng Shui and why.
How does it work?
Why should Realtors® care about Feng Shui.
How Feng Shui relates to Real Estate.

Rochel is available for groups, organizations or corporations. She can tailor her lecture or class to your audience.
Call or Email Rochel for more information on courses.
Email Rochel@fengshuitechnology.com
Call Rochel at (404) 213-0839